Time out…for mommy – Me, Myself and Kids

Time out…for mommy


Have you ever had one of those days where you just wanted to pull your hair out?  I’m sure many of you moms out there are all screaming “yes!”. 

That was me yesterday.  Well its me many other days, but yesterday was brutal.  I literally had to give myself a time out yesterday so I could calm down.

I put the baby in his chair and let my toddler play in his room while I went downstairs so I could catch my breath and put everything into perspective.

Like many other days, my hubby was coming home late from work so I was going to be alone with both kids once my 3.5 year old came home from school.  Fine, no problem, I’ve done it many times before and my kids are so well behaved (most of the time) that this is never a problem.

However yesterday, a number of events occurred that drove me to my madness, cursing and wishing that hubs would come home. 

I give kudos to those moms who do this everyday.

So what you ask happened yesterday?  Here’s the bullet point list of events:

  • T threw up at 4pm; all over the floor and himself
  • T decided he didn’t want to fall asleep for his 3rd nap and was up at 2pm from his last one
  • Had to take him out of his crib so we could go pick up Z from school figuring I’d put him back in when we got home
  • T decided to scream and cry instead of sleep
  • Stubbed my toe against the baby’s swing – yes, the same toe that I fractured last week on the SAME object
  • Z refused to clean up his toys that he left all over the downstairs so of course I picked up after him causing me to put a hole in my shirt (don’t ask)
  • T wouldn’t eat dinner and continued to cry so I gave up, decided he was overtired so went to put him to bed an hour early
  • On and off cried through his whole bottle and could not get himself to sleep for half hour all the while screaming
  • Z went to make a #2 and had to sit there waiting for me to come wipe him until I got T to calm down and fall asleep
  • When I finally got to Z on the toilet, his legs and toilet seat were covered in poo

Those are just to name a few…can you say “I need a drink”!!??

Next thing I new it was 8:00 and I finally got the chance to sit down and relax.

It was just one of those days….all I can do is laugh about it now.  But it sure as hell wasn’t funny yesterday.  This was not the first time I have given myself a time out.  And I imagine it will not be the last!






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For the last 7+ years I have immersed myself in the "mom life". My blog, appropriately named Me, Myself and Kids is my life; the challenges, the laughter, and the tears. But I also offer my own version of motherly advice. In doing so, I’ve designating myself as an MD or “Mom Doc”. Not because I know it all. Don’t get me wrong. It’s an open perspective; my learnings shared so you can take the good, bad and ugly and adapt it to your own family life. So please join me as I share all of the crazy and overwhelming thoughts and experiences of the mom life with Me, Myself and Kids.