My first born didn’t walk until he was somewhere between 17-18 months. People would comment, he’s not walking yet? All my friends kids were walking. Some at the early age of 9 months. I always said that when he’s ready he will do it. Just like he learned how to drink from a sippy cup and learned to talk.
From around 14 months old he started pulling to stand, cruising around the furniture and pushing walkers. He was interested in learning, and a couple months later, he did it.
They say you shouldn’t compare your kids to eachother or to other kids of the same age. But I’m getting to the point where I can’t help it.
T just had his 18 month ‘birthday’ and check up. I wasn’t looking forward to it to begin with and left feeling a little deflated. T is 18 months and is not walking. An age that my doctor says that he should be.
He cruises. He pulls himself up to stand. But he shows no desire to walk…unaided. He can’t balance on his own. He can hold one of our fingers and be fine, but he will not do it by himself.
Do I think he has a problem? No. Do I think he will get there and do it? Yes. On his own time? Yes.
But as much as its great that I don’t have to chase after him just yet, I want him to walk. My doctor is right. He needs to be at that stage.
So, its official. Our pediatrician is referring us to an OT. I’m not quite sure when they will call or when an appointment will be set up, but its come down to that.
Should I be worried or upset? Probably not. There are way worse things and I’m fortunate that I have a healthy child.
Would I rather he not have to work with an Occupational Therapist? Yes. But I will do it and get my baby walking.
Hopefully by the time an appointment is made, I won’t need it anymore. But until that time comes, I will work with my son.
Have you had to work with an OT? What are your experiences?