Healthy Habits I Won’t Give Up On – Me, Myself and Kids

Healthy Habits I Won’t Give Up On

A Day in the Life Food Health & Fitness Recipes Skincare and Beauty Things We Love What's New

Six weeks into home isolation I wrote a post on my Instagram page about three healthy habits I had created that I would not give up on.
Here we are, 10 weeks later, and I am happy to say I’ve stuck to them ?

#1: Workout

I always “used to” start my day, at least 4-5 times a week, with a workout. Now, I actually get up and move EVERY day.

Not only have I done some form of workout daily, (no matter how short or long), but I’ve also completed a few challenges that I gave myself. I have done a 30 day 100 sit ups challenge, a one week 1 minute pulse squat challenge, and last week finished a one week 1 minute high plank challenge.


The 30 day sit ups challenge was hard! But I’m so proud of myself for doing it and they really were so fun. Especially doing them with other people to hold you accountable!

#2: Gut health

I stick with my greens shot every morning and I have consistently been breaking my fast with my shot to kick start my digestion for the day. It is now the ONLY way I will start my day every day.

The combination of the pre & probiotic, mixed with the collagen builder and my daily dose of fruits and vegetables from the greens balance, have been a game changer for me. I’ve never felt better or stronger!

#3: Nutrition

Post workout, I continue to fuel my body with protein whether it be my protein shake or now, I have also added in a healthy meal to switch it up a bit, and ensure I get in my 20 grams of protein. Like protein waffles!

There have been many mornings over the last 4 months when I didn’t want to get out of bed. When I didn’t want to do anything. When I didn’t want to move. When I just wanted to eat whatever I could get my hands on.
But I’m so proud of myself that I made a commitment and stayed with it. I promised myself I would keep it up and here we are.
Week 6 —> 16

I won’t let anything change. These habits are here to stay.

How about you? Have you stuck to any healthy habits you created for yourself? Have you found that anything changed for you over the last 16 weeks?



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For the last 7+ years I have immersed myself in the "mom life". My blog, appropriately named Me, Myself and Kids is my life; the challenges, the laughter, and the tears. But I also offer my own version of motherly advice. In doing so, I’ve designating myself as an MD or “Mom Doc”. Not because I know it all. Don’t get me wrong. It’s an open perspective; my learnings shared so you can take the good, bad and ugly and adapt it to your own family life. So please join me as I share all of the crazy and overwhelming thoughts and experiences of the mom life with Me, Myself and Kids.